Tuesday, February 9, 2010


A. Breast Anatomy

B. Normal cells inside a milk duct look like under a microscope

C. Breast Cancer Invasive

Notes : It is important to know if the breast cancer has grown beyond the milk ducts or lobules of the breast where it first started. Non-invasive cancers stay within the milk ducts or milk lobules in the breast. They do not grow into or invade normal tissues within or beyond the breast. These are sometimes called in situ or pre-cancers. If the cancer has grown beyond where it started, it is called invasive. Most cancers are invasive. Sometimes cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymph system.

Links :

1. TooSogiE-health
2. TooSogiE-lipid-diagnostic
3. ToosigiE-pregnancy
4. ToosogiE-cancer
5. ToosogiE-cancer-terms

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